Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How to choose a President (3)

It looks like I had better fast forward to explaining why John McCain is not a good choice for U.S. voters this time around before he quits the race.

I have been saying that in 2008, U.S. voters need to do something we did not do in 1992, 1996, 2000 or 2004. We need to choose a President who has the maturity of character required of the office.

John McCain's problem is not that he is not mature enough. He has the opposite problem. He looks like someone who is winding up an eight-year tenure in the Oval Office.

It's too bad, because he would have made a good President. His time was one of the four previous Presidential elections. We can speculate how much better the country would be today if we had put John McCain in the White House. As it is, he missed his chance and so did we.

I wish Mr. McCain much success in whatever path he chooses after he drops out of the race.

(Continued . . . )

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