Sunday, July 15, 2007

Cindy Sheehan announces Iraq trip

I wrote in this blog on January 4, 2007 that Cindy Sheehan should go to Iraq as an ambassador for peace. Tonight, I heard her say on CNN that she will, indeed, go to Iraq. Cindy, better late than never!

Cindy Sheehan has the potential to bring something to the table in Iraq that most others currently involved in the peace process cannot. She is a mother who has felt the pain of losing a son to the war. If channeled properly, this pain may be used as powerful leverage to get Iraqi leaders to transcend the narrow interests of their own sectarian groups and come together for the benefit of the country and the region.

The CNN reporter who interviewed her wanted to know if this would make her a "Baghdad Cindy." He was referring to Jane Fonda's trip to Hanoi, the capital of what was then North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. How is Baghdad the parallel to Hanoi? Strange question.

If Cindy Sheehan goes to Iraq for the sake of bringing reconciliation among the groups that are killing each other there, then I will applaud her trip.

1 comment:

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Derek Bair